Asset Management

SIL’s asset management professionals help clients feel confident about performing the right work, at the right time, and for the right reasons by developing best and most appropriate practices that align with client-specific needs and goals. Our connected team of engineers, analysts and developers work together to deliver targeted solutions that focus on the highest priority system and organizational needs.
At SIL, we work collaboratively with client system managers and operational staff, as well as subject matter experts, to optimize the lifecycle of municipal assets. Our team understands the value of integrating people, processes and technology to sustain or improve investment decision making and customer satisfaction. We have helped our clients lower lifecycle costs while maintaining a desirable level of service.
SIL’s experienced Institute of Asset Management-certified staff has the tools and practical know-how to develop an appropriate asset management strategy that leverages data and technology to optimize system operation and renewal. We offer a variety of services that can help you plan for the orderly replacement and rehabilitation of aging municipal infrastructure.
our asset management capabilities
The ability to leverage analytics against asset data to support capital investment planning and long-term funding/budget decisions with real-world evidence is an important benefit of any asset management program. SIL provides clients with the keys to unlock the full business potential of asset management through the following analytic and planning-related services:
- Capital Planning
A Capital improvement plan (CIP) for asset renewal/replacement is critical for the long-term sustainability of any asset system (water/wastewater network, transportation system, etc.) or facility. Our team offers the following analytic and consultative services to enhance and support clients’ capital planning processes and decisions:
Client Strategic Objectives
Prioritize the most critical assets for inclusion in capital improvement plans.
Optimize plans for short and long-range capital improvement projects.
How SIL Can Help
Risk-based CIP project prioritization.
Development of rigorous business cases for optimizing CIP projects and schedules.
- Budget Scenerios
When it comes to setting annual budgets, changing rates, or budgeting for longerterm capital improvements, plans backed by data and evidence are more impactful and defensible. Our experienced staff will analyze and present budget alternatives based on a thorough understanding of the client’s asset inventory, asset lifecycle costs, organizational capabilities, and goals. Leveraging all available data, our team will also assist with prioritizing projects and translating those priorities into defensible budget recommendations and long-term funding plans.
SIL can also assist clients in evaluating proposed rate changes, or rate setting alternatives in the context of balancing asset management goals and service delivery commitments against asset risks, costs, and available budgets.
Client Strategic Objectives
Develop defensible short and long-term asset management budgets that are backed by data and analysis.
Support rate adjustment proposals with evidence based on analysis of projected asset lifecycle costs and service level demands.
How SIL Can Help
Evaluate the risks and consequences of alternative investment/budget decisions.
Analyze the costs/benefits of rate adjustment options.
- Lifecycle Analysis
The life cycle cost (LCC) of an asset is the total cost of owning, operating, maintaining and disposing of the asset over its entire service life. The purpose of lifecycle cost analysis is to evaluate and project all the costs associated with each phase of an asset’s lifecycle in the context of alternative asset maintenance and renewal/replacement strategies. The overall goal of any lifecycle cost analysis is to choose an asset management strategy that reduces the overall cost of an asset over its service lifetime. Lifecycle cost analysis enables planners and asset managers to make evidence-based management decisions about when it is more appropriate to maintain an asset and when it is more appropriate to replace the asset as part of a capital investment program. As such, lifecycle cost analysis is critically important for “smart” capital planning and budgeting.
SIL offers full lifecycle cost analysis for any asset. Our experienced staff works with clients to identify the lowest-lifecycle-cost management alternatives given the client’s unique capabilities, goals, and budget.
Client Strategic Objectives
Minimize the total lifetime cost of acquiring, owning, operating, maintaining, and replacing an asset or group of assets.
How SIL Can Help
Comprehensive Life cycle cost analysis of asset management alternatives.
Recommendations for the most cost-effective and feasible lifecycle asset management strategies.
- Smart Dashboard
Part of monitoring an asset management program is developing performance metrics and displaying them on a dashboard. Detailed reports can be developed to provide the background behind the items displayed on a dashboard.
SIL offers services to build intelligence into client dashboards to be able to monitor asset status and program progress. Our team works with clients to identify which metrics are most valuable to display on a dashboard and implement the dashboard.
Client Strategic Objectives
Monitor progress via a business intelligence dashboard.
How SIL Can Help
Ensure your CMMS is able to capture and report to feed the dashboard.
Determine the most beneficial metrics for your dashboard for each management level in your organization.
Business Intelligence Dashboard.
- Long-Term Funding Plan
Asset management is a strategic approach to managing physical assets to deliver a desired level of service at the most appropriate cost and with an acceptable level of risk. To ensure the financial resources are available to meet your organization’s goals, a long-term needs forecast can help prepare you financially. Understanding the long-term needs of the system can help determine an affordable balance between operating and capital expenditures. SIL can help you generate short, medium, and long-term funding requirements that are sustainable and predictable.
Client Strategic Objectives
Develop analysis-driven capital improvement plans.
Quantify the total cost of asset ownership.
How SIL Can Help
Lifecycle cost analysis.
Investment optimization scenarios considerate of O&M, repair, rehabilitation, and replacement.
- SIL Stands Apart Because We:
- Value client-centricity, which means our clients always come first.
- Are a full-service engineering firm with subject matter expertise in water, transportation, utility, communication and facility markets.
- Employ staff that have been certified by the Institute of Asset Management and leverage ISO 55000 to enhance data-driven decision-making and asset performance.
- Have direct experience with municipal assets and client operating environments.
- Know how to effectively apply our knowledge of asset management principles, GIS, and work order management systems to make our clients more efficient and effective.
- Are dedicated to developing the best and most appropriate strategy to exceed client expectations and performance goals.
- Our Core Services
SIL has developed a customized approach to delivering asset management services that is tangible and targeted to meet the needs of our diverse clients. We help our clients formalize their asset management system at any scale. Our core services include:
Strategic Planning
- Gap Analysis
- Strategic Visioning
- Integrated Planning
- Implementation Planning
- Performance Management
Data & Technology
- Asset Inventory
- Criticality Analysis
- Enterprise Technology
- Condition Assessment
- CMMS Implementation
Operations Optimization
- Process Improvement
- Predictive Modeling
- Risk Management
- O&M Strategy
- Resiliency
Business Modeling
- Long-Term Funding Plan
- Smart Dashboard
- Budget Scenarios
- Lifecycle Analysis
- Capital Planning
Optimizing asset service life reduces total lifecycle cost, which translates into savings for your organization and your customers. To achieve maximum service life, an appropriate balance of corrective and proactive maintenance is required. To better understand your organization, SIL employs industry-standard risk assessment strategies to identify and prioritize asset investments where they are most likely to matter. We have the expertise to leverage state-of-the-art predictive analytics to model various investment scenarios that consider capital and operating expenses. Our team of asset management professionals leverage model results to develop a defined O&M strategy focused on optimizing asset value.
- O&M Strategy
Does a “run to fail” strategy make sense for some or all of your assets? Is there a “right” mix of preventative and reactive maintenance that will lower asset lifecycle costs while still enabling delivery of service level goals at an acceptable level of risk?
The experienced SIL team leverages state-of-the-art predictive analytics tools to help client organizations better understand their system’s current and future risk profile and better manage evolving risks and comparative costs through “smart” O&M and renewal strategies.
Client Strategic Objectives
Optimize routine operations and maintenance activities.
Reduce the number of costly unplanned or emergency maintenance activities by applying the right frequency of preventative maintenance throughout an asset’s entire lifecycle.
How SIL Can Help
Leverage predictive analytics to simulate the near and long-term outcomes of various asset maintenance strategies for comparison.
Recommendations for optimal proactive vs. reactive “maintenance mixes”.
Failure Mode Analysis
- Risk Management
Analyzing asset probability of failure and consequence of failure are both important factors for determining business risk exposure. In its simplest terms, risk exists at the intersection of probability of failure (condition) and consequence of failure (criticality). Once high risk assets are identified, risk management involves the development of mitigation strategies and solutions to address and minimize their risk to business processes, productivity, and costs.
Client Strategic Objectives
Identify critical assets and assess risk.
Improve risk management by incorporating new sources of asset condition data.
How SIL Can Help
Leverage industry-standard assessment methods and tools to analyze asset risk based on probability of failure and consequence of failure.
Identification and feasibility assessment of potential new sources of asset condition data.
Recommendations for how to gather and incorporate new asset condition data into future risk assessments.
Condition Assessment Protocol development.
- Predictive Modeling
Predictive analytics are algorithms that, when run against asset data, can assist with identifying patterns and trends associated with asset deterioration, risk, and cost. The patterns and trends that are identified can be leveraged to model various operations and maintenance (O&M) strategies as well as support capital investment and long-term funding scenarios. Our team is experienced with using industry-leading predictive analytics tools to deliver capital improvement plan (CIP) and long-term funding recommendations.
Client Strategic Objectives
Leverage data about asset condition, criticality, and risk to better understand system sustainability, risk patterns, and cost trends.
Develop “smart”, data-driven asset management strategies, capital improvement plans, and budgets.
Implement and leverage predictive analytics tools in-house.
How SIL Can Help
Pattern and trend analysis of risk and costs using industry-leading predictive analytics tools.
Predictive “what-if scenario” modeling of operations and maintenance (O&M), capital improvement plan (CIP), and budget/rate adjustment scenarios.
Presentation of all predictive analytic results in a clear, concise report format.
Assist clients with implementing and leveraging predictive analytics tools in-house to include system implementation, enterprise integration, training, and support.
RFP support for clients interested in a custom asset management system solution.
- Process Improvement
Process improvements may need to be made to transition your organization into better asset management practices. Using the needs assessment, a workflow analysis can provide the “as is” and recommended “to be” process workflow. We can help you to improve your processes and to gather and maintain the necessary asset attributes to optimize your asset lifecycle.
Client Strategic Objectives
Implement process improvements to improve asset attributes
How SIL Can Help
“As Is” and “To Be” process workflow analysis.
Process improvement planning and execution.
- Resiliency
Society faces challenges daily in the form of abrupt changes and chronic deficiencies. Strategic asset management can help communities, organizations and other systems prosper in the face of adversity. An organization equipped with the people, processes and technology to skillfully navigate emerging challenges can continue to serve no matter what the challenges are. Asset management programs can provide the foundation for resiliency.
Client Strategic Objectives
To make the organization/community/system better in good times and bad.
How SIL Can Help
Reduce vulnerabilities by having a robust asset management program.
Identify system vulnerability through quantifying the effect of asset failure.
Asset Management Data and Technology
SIL is experienced in implementing scalable asset management solutions that meet client needs within available budgets. Leveraging its experienced GIS, project management and engineering professionals, we can deliver high quality GIS asset inventories and asset condition assessments, facilitate business process improvement initiatives, and implement data analytics and visualization solutions that help clients better understand their asset portfolios.
- Asset Inventory
The first step in any asset management program is to gather an inventory of your system. In addition to providing a full range of asset inventory creation services (data compilation/clean-up, geo-referencing, GIS asset inventory, etc.) Our team will also develop an Asset Inventory Report representing the results of the data compilation, asset inventory, and associated data gap analysis.
Client Strategic Objectives
Know what assets exist, how many, and where they are located.
Know asset remaining useful lives and key attribute information.
View asset inventory data interactively on a map.
Inventory and manage linear and vertical assets.
How SIL Can Help
Existing Asset Inventory Review.
Asset data compilation/clean-up from all available sources into the client’s preferred GIS format.
Asset Hierarchy Development
Comprehensive Asset Inventory Report
GIS technology implementations
Field Collection and Inspections
- Condition & Criticality Assessment
A commitment to ongoing assessment of asset condition and criticality are necessary aspects of any risk-based asset management program. Understanding where assets are in their lifecycle (age, physical deterioration, etc.) and how critical they are in the event of failure, are both important factors for determining business risk and choosing asset management (O&M and CIP) strategies that minimize lifecycle costs for a desired level of service.
Client Strategic Objectives
Understand the condition of all assets and the overall condition of the system.
How SIL Can Help
Condition Ranking Tools/Templates
Condition Assessment Protocols
- Enterprise Technology
SIL’s technical solutions team can help you improve the data flow and integration within your organization’s GIS, smart meter, CMMS, billing, CRM (311), financial, and other systems. Our team is also experienced in developing mobile/desktop applications tailored to optimize field data collection and feed data directly into client’s enterprise systems. All of SIL’s solutions employ security best practices and can integrate with your organization’s directory.
Client Strategic Objectives
Align metrics to gauge performance and provide insight at all levels of the organization from first line supervisors up to senior management.
How SIL Can Help
Assist with creation of key performance indicators (KPIs)
- CMMS Implementation
We are a Cityworks partner with 6 highly-experienced Cityworks administrators/power users prepared to assist clients with new Cityworks CMMS Implementations or upgrades. In addition, SIL also provides full-service CMMS training and user support.
Client Strategic Objectives
Implement CMMS solutions to manage assets and work orders.
How SIL Can Help
Cityworks Implementations (any platform)
Custom User Guides & SOPs
Classroom and One-on-One Training
- Data Analytics & Visualization
Data visualization is the presentation of data in a pictorial or graphical format. It enables decision makers to see analytics presented visually, so they can grasp difficult concepts or identify new patterns. With interactive visualization, you can take the concept a step further by using technology to drill down into charts and graphs for more detail, interactively changing what data you see and how it’s processed.
Key performance indicators can also be developed and deployed for public awareness.
Client Strategic Objectives
Develop a comprehensive Implementation Plan to guide the organization through all aspects of program set-up, implementation, and continual improvement.
How SIL Can Help
Comprehensive Asset Management Plan incorporating the collective outcomes of all other analytic, technical, and planning services rendered.
Implementation Plan leverages the knowledge from the Asset Management Plan and provides a roadmap including the necessary steps to lead the organization from where it is today to where it would like to be in the near future.
When considering asset management, it is important to understand that every organization is different and asset management plans can vary greatly. Given the breadth of asset management plans, nearly every part of an organization will be impacted in some way. SIL uses an inclusive approach that is focused on guiding key stakeholders through the asset management planning and design process to ensure organizational success when it comes to implementing asset management plans. As part of the planning and design process, our team will review the benefits of asset management, conduct a needs assessment and gap analysis, work with key stakeholders to establish level of service indicators, identify critical assets, and analyze asset life cycle costs. Incorporating all available asset information and best practices, we assist clients with establishing long term preventive and predictive maintenance plans and developing comprehensive asset management plans.
- Strategic Visioning
Strategic visioning includes gathering details about a client’s current state of asset management and determining a path towards achieving the benefits of leveraging asset management principles and practices. At SIL we work closely with our clients to develop a vision for how adoption of asset management principles can improve their asset infrastructure, performance, and efficiency. Our team will assist with identifying organization-specific goals and discussing the ramifications of asset prioritization and risk thresholds. We will also review important topics for an organization to consider, including the benefits of asset management.
As an outcome of the strategic visioning process, SIL will develop a strategic asset management roadmap that is customized to the client’s unique goals, needs, and asset management maturity level. The roadmap will include identification of key initiatives to assist with project prioritization.
Client Strategic Objectives
Better understand what asset management has to offer over current practices.
Articulate organizational goals, business drivers, and strategic vision for asset management.
Orient asset management efforts, financial resource decisions, and customer engagements on clear service level objectives.
Have a comprehensive strategic plan for moving forward with building or improving an asset management program.
How SIL Can Help
Strategic Visioning Workshops
Asset Management Maturity Assessment
Level of Service Workshops
Strategic Asset Management Roadmap
- Gap Analysis
The SIL team will conduct a needs assessment to identify and document clients’ current asset management practices and complete a Gap Analysis to determine best practices. Analysts will complete information gathering by reviewing current data, conducting interviews and compiling a summary of the gap analysis. The gap analysis will provide the details of the missing data elements for the client’s asset inventory, and identify missing processes and roles, along with best-practice recommendations for how to close the gaps.
Client Strategic Objectives
Articulate and fully understand organizational goals, business drivers, needs, current state, and associated gaps.
How SIL Can Help
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Organizational Capabilities Assessment
Gap Analysis
- Integrated Planning
With increasing competition for limited resources, integrated planning is a way to set strategic priorities across all asset classes within an organization. An integrated plan offers a flexible approach to investing in physical assets that yields optimal social, environmental and financial benefits. SIL can help you evaluate your entire system to identify opportunities to optimize financial investments through sequencing of projects in order to provide sustainable service at a reduced cost and higher overall benefit.
Client Strategic Objectives
Allocate resources to achieve maximum total benefit across all business units.
Plan for all asset needs across the organization, independently of organizational structure.
How SIL Can Help
Develop a uniform approach to evaluating asset risk across all asset classes.
Prioritize and optimize capital projects.
- Implementation Planning
SIL offers comprehensive planning services that scale to client goals, needs, and budget. As part of the process, an Asset Management Plan is developed based on the results of the Gap Analysis and leveraging industry best practices. An Implementation Plan is then developed following asset management best practices and includes recommendations which are backed by in-depth analysis of all asset inventory and cost data.
Client Strategic Objectives
Develop a comprehensive Implementation Plan to guide the organization through all aspects of program set-up, implementation, and continual improvement.
How SIL Can Help
Comprehensive Asset Management Plan incorporating the collective outcomes of all other analytic, technical, and planning services rendered.
Implementation Plan leverages the knowledge from the Asset Management Plan and provides a roadmap including the necessary steps to lead the organization from where it is today to where it would like to be in the near future.
- Performance Management
Once the Asset Management Plan is developed, our team will work with your staff to develop a method to track progress by developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). SIL will leverage industry best practices and interview key staff at all levels of the organization to develop KPIs that meet the needs of each management level.
Client Strategic Objectives
Align metrics to gauge performance and provide insight at all levels of the organization from first line supervisors up to senior management.
How SIL Can Help
Assist with creation of key performance indicators (KPIs)
SIL’s geospatial team works within environmental and transportation organizations to facilitate business process improvements through data management, business process analysis and compliance reporting. Our team specializes in performing field data collection and analysis, data management, modeling and solution development for such focus areas as TMDL, MS4, NPDES, transportation planning, and transportation asset management. Services include:
Strategic Planning
- Business Analysis / Intelligence
- Needs Assessments
- Business Goals Identification
- Business Process Re-Engineering
- Joint Application Design (JAD) Sessions
- Technology Requirements Engineering / Development and Management
- Milestone Development
- Custom Application Development and Design
- Database Management
- Database and Data Modeling
- Wireframe Development
- Web Interface
- Web Applications
- Mobile Applications / Solutions
- Documentation
- Quality Control / Assurance and Testing
- User Acceptance Testing and Training Guide Development
Field Services
- Field Inventory / Inspections
- BMP Inspection
- Field Data Collection
- Condition Assessments
- Field Tool Development
- Mobile Applications / Solutions
- Web Solutions
Data Management
- Data Analysis
- Data Management
- Database Development / Design
- Database Management
- Asset Management
- Environmental and Spatial Data Creation
- Data Compilation
- Data Consolidation
- Data Cleaning
- GIS Analysis
- Information Management
Support/Other Services
- GIS Program Development / Management
- Systems Integration
- Asset Management
- Asset Inventory
- Standardization / Standard Operating Procedures
- Spatial Analysis
- Impervious Accounting
- Performance Measurement / Tracking
- Cost / Risk Management
- Public Outreach Assistance
SIL can attribute the amount of repeat client business to our outstanding reputation and our subject matter expertise providing assistance in regulatory, stormwater, industrial, and compliance and transportation management. Our team continues to be a geospatial, technical, and market leader providing costeffective and innovative solutions.