SIL provides a full range of planning, engineering and operational services for all modes of cargo and transportation, including roadway, transit, marine, aviation, pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Our nation’s infrastructure network plays a critical role in commerce, public safety, and community development. In addition to supporting planning and capacity improvements, SIL’s engineers, pilots, crew member and inspectors help maintain the integral components of the existing transportation system through regular inspections and remedial rehabilitation.
As the effects of climate change continue to grow and impact our society, we also understand the need to incorporate resiliency and sustainability into every facet of engineering design. SIL staff includes more than 15 professionals that are credentialed through the Institute of Sustainable Engineering. Their expertise in applying the Envision certification system can assist transportation clients in making sustainable choices in alternatives evaluation, materials selection and design and construction approach.
From designing a new interchange to inspecting deep water berths, upgrading a commuter train station to studying alignments for a bike trail, developing a profitable airline business (Cargo & Passenger), we offer innovative solutions in both the traditional design-bid-build and design-build environments. Our team draws from a seamless integration of planning, engineering, operational, environmental, and construction management expertise to lead projects from initial capital planning through concept development, alternatives analysis, preliminary and final design, and construction.
our transportation capabilities
From complex urban interchanges to rural intersections and streetscapes, SIL provides highway and roadway engineering to take projects from feasibility study through final design. Our transportation and structural engineers partner with our in-house utility and traffic engineers, landscape architects and environmental scientists to manage each project’s unique requirements, address stakeholder concerns, and minimize impacts to environmental and cultural resources. Services include:
- Value engineering
- Feasibility studies
- Concept evaluation studies
- Intersection improvement studies
- Traffic calming
- Design peer review
- Renderings and meeting displays
- Utility locating, design and coordination
- Environmental permitting
- Agency coordination
- Construction cost estimating
- CPM scheduling
- Construction management and inspection
SIL has designed improvements for interstate, arterial and local roadways, including widening and realignment, intersection and interchange reconfiguration, streetscape and context sensitive upgrades, and green streets. We employ stateof-the-art data collection equipment and analysis and use cutting-edge modeling and design software to develop cost-effective solutions that keep people, goods and freight moving efficiently.

SIL provides innovative traffic engineering solutions for private- and public-sector clients in support of building new roadways, improving highway safety and operational capacity, maintaining traffic through construction sites, and evaluating the impact of proposed developments. We conduct safety studies, develop detailed traffic forecasts, prepare transportation management plans, and create effective signalization, signing, and lighting strategies. Services include:
- Traffic impact studies
- Corridor studies
- Capacity analyses
- Maintenance of traffic
- Route and interstate signing
- Pavement markings
- Highway and pedestrian lighting
- Signalization
- Intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
- Transportation system management
- Traffic command and control systems
Our staff employs the latest traffic analysis and simulation software and works closely with our planners to develop effective public involvement materials that convey project information to elected officials, the community and the public at large. Drawing from a seamless integration of engineering, planning, and environmental expertise, SIL offers all the necessary resources for meeting the traffic needs of projects ranging from small community developments to major highway interchange systems.
Whether partnering with government agencies or working with developers, contractors and private enterprises, our team provides structural engineering and design services for new construction, rehabilitation and historic restoration projects. We prepare detailed plans, specifications and estimates; conduct condition assessments; determine load ratings; process permit applications for overweight vehicles; and prepare and review shop drawings. Services include:
- Bridge design and rehabilitation
- Condition inspection
- Computer modeling
- Shop drawing preparation and review
- Materials testing
- Analysis and load rating
- Scour analysis
- Emergency repairs
- FHWA structural inventory and appraisal
- Shoring and cofferdam design
- Utility and railroad coordination
- Historic preservation
Our engineers perform preliminary and final design reviews on behalf of our clients for designs prepared by other consultants. SIL’s experience ranges from golf cart bridges spanning scenic country club ponds to dual, multi-span steel and concrete structures with architectural treatments and decorative lighting. These innovative bridges encompass virtually every type of structure, including steel I-girders, horizontally curved girders, prestressed concrete beams, prestressed concrete hollow cored slabs, bulb tees, steel trusses, and timber bridges. Other structures include retaining and noise walls, culverts, tunnels, high-mast lighting foundations and overhead signage.

SIL has a proven track record of providing services required for the structural inspection, repair and rehabilitation of bridges, culverts, storm drains, retaining walls, noise barriers, sign and light structures, communication towers, dams, levees, water tanks, bulkheads, fender systems, piers and other marine structures. The firm’s inspection teams can mobilize anywhere world-wide and are available for and have experience with emergency situations, such as flood-related damage, vehicular or vessel impacts, and sudden critical defects. In addition, we understand that government agencies have limited funds to maintain their infrastructure inventory, and our firm can develop a customized cost-efficient maintenance, repair and rehabilitation plan that will protect their investment and extend the usable life of the structure.
SIL team leaders are registered professional engineers with more than 10 years of inspection experience ranging from complex bridge crossings to small drainage culverts. We perform routine” hands-on” and specialized inspections such as underwater bridge inspections by experienced in-house PE divers. Services include:
- Field inspection
- Materials testing
- Analysis and load rating
- Underwater inspection
- Confined space inspections
- FHWA Structural Inventory and Appraisal including Pontis
- Fracture-critical members and fatigue-sensitive details
- Bridge scour analysis
- Comprehensive reports
- Historic bridges and structures
- Emergency Response
- Innovative repairs
With our nation’s aging infrastructure network under constant and increasing scrutiny, transportation agencies and municipalities need qualified, experienced engineering consultants to meet the federal requirements to routinely inspect their bridges. SIL personnel specialize in bridge and other structural inspection and have expertise to not only meet but exceed these qualifications. Our premier team of National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS)-certified bridge inspectors conduct detailed, hands-on topside and underwater inspections to document structural condition. We have a broad range of inspection experience on vehicular, pedestrian, and railroad bridges of varying type, size, and complexity, including box culverts, stone masonry arches, timber trestles, steel beam overpasses, prestressed concrete, and large truss bridges.

Transportation networks contribute to the health and wealth of our communities, and we bring this understanding to bear on every project. SIL brings the relationships and industry understanding of leaders from some of the top transportation agencies in the nation to help resolve your greatest challenges. From maximizing available capital to performing long-range regional thoroughfare studies; or from planning a complete transit-oriented development to shared use of a single driveway, we provide solutions that address the increasing demand for connectivity, commuting and efficient movement of people and goods. Services include:
- State and Federal policy analysis
- Economic and market assessment/analysis
- Long range transportation plans
- Capital funding analysis/major investment studies
- Multimodal transportation planning
- Capacity forecasting/growth scenario planning
- Grant management
- Interagency coordination
- Transportation and land use planning
- Facilitating transportation strategic initiatives
- Procurement assistance
- Corridor and feasibility studies
- Access management strategies
- Travel demand management
- Federal, state, county, and local comprehensive planning
- Transportation systems management
- Congestion management systems
- Air quality and noise evaluations
- NEPA documentation
- Environmental assessments/environmental impact statements
We take a comprehensive approach to planning by combining our team’s collective insight and expertise in land use, environmental and transportation planning, as well as engineering and construction feasibility. SIL’s planners are well versed in zoning, development, compliance and preservation requirements, and can guide any project through the planning process into design and construction. Using cutting-edge tools to evaluate and manage geographic, resource and traffic information, we analyze alternatives and generate strategies to maximize benefit, streamline development, and minimize impacts and cost. Our team develops grounded plans to turn vision into reality.

SIL provides planning and engineering design services for mass transportation projects ranging from bus maintenance facilities to high-speed rail lines. Our project teams draw from the expertise of civil, mechanical/electrical, traffic, and structural engineers, as well as transportation and land use planners, and construction managers. We provide solutions that address the increasing demand for urban connectivity, commuting and efficient movement of freight. We work in partnership with our clients, developers, architects and the public to maximize joint and transit-oriented development opportunities at existing and proposed facilities. Our engineering teams develop contract documents, schedules and estimates, and oversee construction of terminal facilities, transit stations and platforms, park-and-ride lots, bus operation and maintenance facilities, light and heavy rail, and high-speed rail lines. Services include:
- Multimodal transportation planning
- Alignment alternatives
- Mass transit studies and facility designs
- Terminal and station facility design
- Condition inspection and evaluation of existing structures
- Maintenance facility planning and design
- Park and ride lot layout and design
- Construction management and inspection
Projects have included bus and rail transit studies; design of a new maintenance building; modification of existing building for car lift; automated guide way systems; stations; and line sections including elevated, at-grade, and tunnel structures.

SIL provides multi-disciplined environmental and marine engineering services for waterway and port projects. From underwater inspection to shoreline protection to deepwater port design, we offer the in-house expertise and resources necessary to deliver large- and small-scale projects. Our project teams include mechanical, electrical, structural, civil, geotechnical, and environmental engineers, as well as regulatory, safety, security and public involvement experts. Whether partnering with government agencies or working with architects and owners, we develop innovative solutions for a variety of challenges in the marine environment. Services include:
- Marine engineering
- Underwater inspection
- Dredging engineering
- Environmental compliance/regulatory coordination
- Security and infrastructure protection
- Site and facility engineering
- Surveying
- Subsurface utility engineering
- Waterfront planning
- Mechanical/electrical engineering
- Voice and data communications
- Construction engineering and support
SIL’s engineers are versed in the assessment and design of waterfront structures including public and industrial facilities. With the support of our marine geotechnical investigation staff, SIL can provide design for new and rehabilitated structures from private piers to boat ramps, cofferdams to seawalls and even cruise ship terminals.

SIL provides a full range of contractor services to support innovation and efficiency of transportation construction projects. Our affiliation with heavy/highway and bridge contractors has provided our employees with the knowledge and experience of working with construction issues on a day-to-day basis. We now serve more than 70 contractors throughout the eastern Nigeria , and can develop and incorporate new ideas to help contractors save time and money, based on the continuous influx of information on new construction concepts and problems encountered by contractors in the heavy/highway construction industry. We offer contractors a level of confidence that each concept discussed is fully understood by our team and the most effective approach used for design and construction of each system. Services include:
- Formwork/falsework systems
- Culvert design
- Barge analysis
- Marine structures
- Retaining structures
- Detour bridges
- Coffer dams
- Value engineering
- Temporary and permanent shoring systems
- Construction grades
- Demolition and erection plans
- Girder erection
- Safety and fall protection systems
- Bridge jacking
- Man baskets and overhead buggies
- Aerial platforms
- Work trestles
SIL’s Contractor Services Practice is committed to providing quality engineering services to produce results that allow our clients to complete complex construction projects on time and under budget. The value and importance of providing close, individual attention to each project cannot be understated. Our team of engineers specializes in applying innovative, creative ideas and construction expertise to produce designs based on safety, economics, aesthetics and sound engineering practices. We believe in focusing not only on structural integrity, but also constructability and cost efficiency. We strive to incorporate materials that our contractor clients have on hand, saving both money and time.
Many of the projects we have been involved with are fast track, value-engineering projects that require a dedicated staff to perform the design, complete plans and secure client approval under very accelerated timeframes in order to meet original construction schedules.


Bicycle and pedestrian work have become a major part of SIL’s portfolio of services. Facilities for non-motorized transportation continue to grow in popularity and demand, and communities increasingly see these facilities as important to a desirable quality of life. Our team has assisted with dozens of bicycle and pedestrian plans to maximize the effectiveness of investments for our most basic forms of transportation. Many of these plans are intended to assist communities in complying with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and serve as the foundation of a community’s ADA transition plan.
Additionally, our engineering expertise allows seamless transition from planning to the design of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. Using our understanding of current and emerging regulations and the latest practices from around the world, we have produced custom design guidelines and policy documents to take the next step toward implementation of these facilities.